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{ _id: '1581',
name: 'Merryoaks Community Hall',
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type: 'Charity',
telephone: '07557978580',
contactPerson: 'Susan Walker',
website: '',
'Merryoaks Community Hall- The People\'s Place. A newly built community centre serving Neville\'s Cross and surrounding area. There are rooms available to hire classes and events but there is also a community hub, which contains information leaflets, a community library, games, litter pickers to borrow and a kitchenette for making drinks.',
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[ { _id: '1468',
name: 'Hub Buddies',
'Merryoaks Community Hall is a community centre serving Neville\'s Cross Durham. In order to remain open so the community can access the community library, borrow our litter pickers, make themselves a drink, or simply use the loos- we need people to be present in the building and keep thing ticking over smoothly. The centre has no paid employees-so volunteers like you will be the only way of keeping the building open for the benefit of the community.',
created: 2023-06-05T11:50:04.717Z,
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contactPerson: 'Susan Walker',
contactEmail: '',
contactTelephone: '07557978580',
address: 'Merryoaks Community Centre, Park House Road Durham DH1 3QF',
hours: 'various',
startDate: 2023-06-06T11:50:04.717Z,
endDate: 2025-12-05T00:00:00.000Z,
'Welcoming visitors to Merryoaks Community Hall.\nHelp visitors to the centre find what they need.\nEnsure the building is respected.\nInform the trustees if there are issues that need addressing.\nReceive deliveries\nIn an emergency being the responsible person.\n\n',
'No experience required but we do need honesty, reliability and an ability to communicate with a wide range of people.',
'We have various slots throughout the week and weekend. 9am to 5pm. We are especially keen to fill the 3 to 5 pm slots',
'A full induction is given and opportunities for first aid training will be offered periodically',
'The chance to meet people and give something back to your community. Many of our volunteers get on with some of their own work whilst they are there, using the office and the free wi-fi. Others volunteer in pairs, make themselves a coffee and have a catch up.',
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lastModified: 2024-12-09T10:56:44.000Z },
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