Durham Wildlife Trust

Durham Wildlife Trust is an independent charity and limited company that was established in 1971.

As a small, local charity we rely on the support of our members. Membership enables us to manage our nature reserves, run conservation projects, deliver environmental education activities and provide thousands of volunteering opportunities each year.
Across County Durham, Darlington, Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland no one is working harder to protect our wildlife for future generations.

Active opportunities

Task Force Volunteer

Durham City  
View this opportunity

Professional Services Volunteering

Durham City  
View this opportunity


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            'Durham  Wildlife  Trust  is  an  independent  charity  and  limited  company  that  was  established  in  1971.\n\nAs  a  small,  local  charity  we  rely  on  the  support  of  our  members.  Membership  enables  us  to  manage  our  nature  reserves,  run  conservation  projects,  deliver  environmental  education  activities  and  provide  thousands  of  volunteering  opportunities  each  year.\nAcross  County  Durham,  Darlington,  Gateshead,  South  Tyneside  and  Sunderland  no  one  is  working  harder  to  protect  our  wildlife  for  future  generations.\n',
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                    contactTelephone:  '0191  584  3112',
                      'Rainton  Meadows  Nature  Reserve,  Mallard  Way,  Houghton-le-Spring,  DH4  6PU',
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                      'What’s  involved?\n\n•  Practical  habitat  management  including  scrub  clearance,  tree  felling,  burning,  coppicing,  tree  planting/maintenance,  hedge  laying,  meadow  raking,  balsam  control,  bracken  control,  path  mowing  and  reed  cutting  as  part  of  a  group  of  volunteers  led  by  a  task  leader\n•  Assisting  with  fencing  work  and  infrastructure  repairs  or  new  installation  of  bridges,  steps  and  surfaced  footpaths  as  part  of  a  group  of  volunteer  led  by  a  task  leader\n•  Helping  move  livestock\n•  Assisting  with  and  conducting  survey  work',
                      'What  skills  do  I  need?\n\n•    An  interest  in  and  enthusiasm  for  wildlife\n•  Team  worker  with  initiative\n•  Ability  to  follow  instructions  and  adhere  to  Health  &  Safety  procedures\n•  Good  communication  skills\n•  Reliable  and  hardworking\n•  Happy  to  work  outside  in  all  weather  conditions',
                      'How  much  time  should  I  give?\n\n•  The  task  force  teams  go  out  a  few  times  a  week,  but  you  can  choose  how  often  you  go  out.',
                      'Full  training  will  be  given.  As  part  of  our  volunteer  team  you  will  be  included  in  wider  volunteer  training,  celebration  and  gratitude  events.  ',
                      'What  will  you  get  out  of  it?\n\n•  Learn  how  to  use  a  range  of  hand  tools\n•  Learn  about  habitat  management  for  wildlife\n•  Opportunities  to  learn  practical  management  skills\n•  On  the  job  training  relevant  to  tasks  undertaken\n•  Become  a  valued  member  of  a  professional  team\n•  Improve  communication  skills\n•  Knowledge  that  the  work  you  do  will  benefit  local  and  nationally  important  nature  reserves  and  the  work  of  DWT\n•  Opportunity  to  learn/enhance/share  local  knowledge  of  wildlife  and  conservation\n•  Develop  skills  working  with  livestock\n•  Carpentry  and  fencing  skills',
                      'Volunteers  should  be  18  and  over.\n\n*Volunteers  will  be  directed  to  register  on  Durham  Wildlife  Trust\'s  volunteering  portal  (volunteer.durhamwt.com)  before  commencing  volunteering.',
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                    contactTelephone:  '0191  584  3112',
                      'Rainton  Meadows  Nature  Reserve,  Mallard  Way,  Houghton-le-Spring,  DH4  6PU',
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                      'What’s  involved?  \n\nWhether  it  is  for  a  short  project  or  a  long  term  contribution,  your  working  knowledge  can  help  grow  our  work  for  wildlife.  The  Trust  is  a  local  charity  and  relies  on  the  support  of  it\'s  members  and  volunteers,  if  you  feel  you  have  a  professional  skill  or  service  that  you  could  offer  to  help  the  organisation  please  do  get  in  touch.  Your  expertise  could  include  a  wide  range  of  specialisms  such  as  HR,  digital,  finance  or  marketing  -  areas  which  are  generally  under-resourced  in  the  charity  sector',
                      'What  skills  do  I  need?\n\n•  Your  own  working  knowledge,  contacts  and  expertise  within  your  field.',
                    whenAndWhere:  'Volunteer  hours  are  totally  flexible  around  you.',
                      'What  will  you  get  out  of  it?  \n\n•  Be  part  of  a  wonderful  team  of  staff  and  volunteers  \n•  Friendship  and  socialisation  \n•  Knowledge  that  the  work  you  do  will  benefit  local  and  nationally  important  nature  reserves  and  the  work  of  Durham  Wildlife  Trust  \n\nAs  with  all  of  our  opportunities,  you  will  log  hours  and  track  your  contribution  through  our  volunteer  portal  and  be  part  of  our  wider  volunteer  team.  ',
                      '  As  part  of  our  volunteer  team  you  will  be  included  in  wider  volunteer  training,  celebration  and  gratitude  events.  \n',
                      'Volunteers  should  be  18  and  over.\n\n*Volunteers  will  be  directed  to  register  on  Durham  Wildlife  Trust\'s  volunteering  portal  (volunteer.durhamwt.com)  before  commencing  volunteering.',
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