Durham Community Action

We support volunteering across a wide spectrum of interests
This includes support and training for volunteers who are actively providing local services, such as managing community buildings, running self-help groups, contributing as trustees with local charities, or co-ordinating local clubs and groups. We also collaborate with other organisations and agencies that recruit and benefit from the work of volunteers.

We support organisations, large and small, to help them recruit volunteers and to provide them with advice on policies and procedures, so that volunteers and organisations can flourish. Our help includes coordination and provision of background information, training, checks, policies and procedures that organisations and volunteers need to operate and to thrive.

Durham Community Action follows the 5 core functions linked to Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation:

1. Strategic Development of Volunteering – engaging with local networks and decision makers to encourage volunteering to flourish.

2. Good Practice Development – improving consistency in volunteering programmes.

3. Developing Volunteering Opportunities –increasing and improving the quantity, quality and diversity of volunteering locally.

4. Voice for Volunteering – increasing the awareness of issues impacting on volunteering.

5. Brokerage – providing the general public and all sectors with access to an effective and efficient brokerage service.

Recognition of Quality Volunteer Experience

Active opportunities

No active opportunities.


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            'We  support  volunteering  across  a  wide  spectrum  of  interests\nThis  includes  support  and  training  for  volunteers  who  are  actively  providing  local  services,  such  as  managing  community  buildings,  running  self-help  groups,  contributing  as  trustees  with  local  charities,  or  co-ordinating  local  clubs  and  groups.    We  also  collaborate  with  other  organisations  and  agencies  that  recruit  and  benefit  from  the  work  of  volunteers.  \n\nWe  support  organisations,  large  and  small,  to  help  them  recruit  volunteers  and  to  provide  them  with  advice  on  policies  and  procedures,  so  that  volunteers  and  organisations  can  flourish.    Our  help  includes  coordination  and  provision  of  background  information,  training,  checks,  policies  and  procedures  that  organisations  and  volunteers  need  to  operate  and  to  thrive.\n\nDurham  Community  Action  follows  the  5  core  functions  linked  to  Volunteer  Centre  Quality  Accreditation:\n\n1.  Strategic  Development  of  Volunteering  –  engaging  with  local  networks  and  decision  makers  to  encourage  volunteering  to  flourish.\n\n2.  Good  Practice  Development  –  improving  consistency  in  volunteering  programmes.\n\n3.  Developing  Volunteering  Opportunities  –increasing  and  improving  the  quantity,  quality  and  diversity  of  volunteering  locally.\n\n4.  Voice  for  Volunteering  –  increasing  the  awareness  of  issues  impacting  on  volunteering.\n\n5.  Brokerage  –  providing  the  general  public  and  all  sectors  with  access  to  an  effective  and  efficient  brokerage  service.',
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