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{ _id: '1744',
name: 'Dementia Adventure',
email: '',
type: 'Charity',
telephone: '01245 237548',
contactPerson: 'Janet Whitehead',
website: '',
description: 'Dementia Adventure',
urlFragment: 'dementia-adventure-1744',
hasKiteMark: false,
[ { _id: '1640',
name: 'Holiday Supporter',
'We are looking for volunteers to support us for the duration of one (or more if you have time) of our 5-day holidays in 2025. See our 2024 holiday \ndestinations and dates to give you an idea of where we go\nYou will assist and support one or two people living with dementia and their carer(s) to help them have a great holiday. ',
created: 2024-09-06T20:17:45.816Z,
orgId: '1744',
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name: 'Older People',
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active: true,
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contactPerson: 'Janet Whitehead',
contactEmail: '',
contactTelephone: '01245 237548',
'Unit 11, Old Park Farm, Main Road, Ford End, Essex. CM3 1LN',
hours: '',
websiteLink: '',
'You’ll be:\n▪ Meeting the Holiday Leader at the holiday location.\n▪ Working together as a team to support all the activities planned in the itinerary such as trips, walks and tours\n▪ Providing an extra pair of hands, supporting holiday guests with as little or as much assistance as they require with tasks such as unpacking/packing, \nand support during activities (there is no expectation to provide personal care).\n▪ Offering physical support such as pushing a wheelchair.\n▪ Encouraging guests to be appropriately dressed for the weather.\n▪ Working together to support mealtimes. This may include some basic cooking, heating of pre-prepared meals, or preparing packed lunches.\n▪ If needed, taking a person living with dementia through a photo album, listening to some music, reading sections of a book and so on. This could \noffer their carer a break for an hour, or may be required to divert their attention if they’re feeling restless/anxious/tired during the day.\n▪ Assisting the Holiday Leader in encouraging the guests to participate in the holiday as much as possible, encouraging them to get ready, to eat and \ndrink.\n▪ Taking photos and/or videos on behalf of Dementia Adventure on a Dementia Adventure device.\n▪ Administering first aid (training provided), should the need arise.\n▪ Completing a feedback form after the holiday.\n',
'Skills\n▪ Sensitive to and understanding of people living with dementia.\n▪ Enthusiastic about walking and activity outdoors.\n▪ Friendly, thoughtful and person-centred.\n▪ Adaptable and reliable.\n▪ Good communication skills.\n▪ Good organisational skills, well prepared.\n▪ Confident and able to work as part of a team.\n▪ Able to encourage and motivate others.\n▪ Able to travel to local outdoor spaces.\n▪ Willing to learn and receive feedback.\n▪ Confident in using technology to participate in video calls',
'Volunteers will be expected to make their own way to the holiday venue but travel expenses will be paid',
'One day face-to-face induction day\nFirst Aid training\nSafeguarding training\nOngoing support and training\nTravel and out of pocket expenses paid\nThe cost of attendance at the residential break will be borne by Dementia Adventure',
'5-day residential supported respite breaks for people living with dementia and their carers. They take place across the UK between April and December (except August)',
otherInfo: '',
startDate: 2024-09-06T00:00:00.000Z,
endDate: 2025-12-31T00:00:00.000Z,
lastModified: 2024-09-06T20:37:28.000Z,
volunteerBenefits: '',
urlFragment: 'holiday-supporter-1640' },
{ _id: '1641',
name: 'Community Connector',
'We are looking for volunteers to promote Dementia Adventure, our mission and support services at local community events. All with a view to enable people living with dementia to get outdoors, connect with nature, themselves and their community, and retain a sense of adventure in their lives, in all aspects within the community. This is an ideal role for those unable to give a set commitment each week. We will always try to give plenty of notice about upcoming events.',
created: 2024-09-06T20:28:38.162Z,
orgId: '1744',
[ { _id: 'fb8f49ef-9a3a-40d6-bdac-f63a2590e544',
name: 'Durham City' },
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[ { _id: '10b1c46c-1b6a-404f-ac3b-ecf8b104a691',
name: 'Administration/Office',
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iconImage: '' },
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name: 'Marketing & Communications',
backgroundImage: '',
iconImage: '' },
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name: 'Older People',
backgroundImage: '',
iconImage: '' },
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active: true,
under16: false,
under18: false,
contactPerson: 'Janet Whitehead',
contactEmail: '',
contactTelephone: '01245 237548',
address: 'Unit 11, Old Park Farm, Main Road, Ford End, Essex CM3 1LN',
hours: 'Varied',
websiteLink: '',
'Activities Include:\n▪ Representing Dementia Adventure at local community events such as dementia and memory cafes, local dementia fairs, Women\'s Institute, \nRotary, U3A and similar groups/organisations ▪ Where appropriate, and if felt able, giving short talks (all resources provided) to individuals and groups within the area about the work we do\n▪ Engaging members of the public at these events by talking about our \nadventures, research, consultancy and training as well as how people can fundraise and/or volunteer for us\n▪ Recording enquiries generated from the public and passing this information to the Dementia Adventure Community Engagement Team\n▪ Undertaking any essential training which is in line with Dementia Adventure\'s policies and procedures',
'Skills\n▪ Outgoing, friendly and happy to talk to members of the public\n▪ Knowledgeable about Dementia Adventure, or eager to learn, and confident in answering people’s questions\n▪ Good communication and administration skills\n▪ Adaptable and reliable\n▪ Good organisational skills, well prepared and willing to record number of attendees\n▪ Confident and able to work independently and as part of a team\n▪ Able to access Dementia Adventure resources online\n▪ Confident in using technology where a talk may be using Zoom video calling\n▪ Able to travel to local venues\n▪ Proactive, self motivated',
accessibilityAndTransport: 'Mileage or public transport expenses will be paid',
'Face to Face induction day\nSafeguarding training\nOngoing training and resources\nExpenses paid',
whenAndWhere: 'In the local area surrounding Durham',
otherInfo: '',
startDate: 2024-09-06T20:28:38.162Z,
endDate: 2025-12-31T00:00:00.000Z,
lastModified: 2024-09-06T20:35:47.000Z,
volunteerBenefits: 'Adhoc - no regular commitment required',
urlFragment: 'community-connector-1641' },
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