Cornerstone Supported Housing and Counselling Ltd

Rough sleepers and homelessness.
Charity shop
Handmade wooden furniture and sheds

Active opportunities

Cornerstone Supported Housing and Counselling Ltd Charity Shop Assistant Bishop Auckland

Bishop Auckland  
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Cornerstone Supported Housing and Counselling Ltd Volunteer Drivers

Bishop Auckland  
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Cornerstone Supported Housing and Counselling Ltd Maintenance Person

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                      'To  assist  with  the  day  to  day  running  of  the  retail  outlet  which  helps  to  raise  money  for  the  rough  sleepers  and  homeless  in  your  community\n',
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                    address:  '12  Brockwell  Court,  Willington,  Crook,  United  Kingdom',
                    hours:  '9.30-2.30pm  Mon-Fri  (min  4hrs  per  week)',
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                      'Serving  customers,  pricing  donated  items,  arranging  deliveries,  going  through  and  displaying  donations.  Rearranging  showroom  stock  \nTo  assist  with  upkeep  of  the  shop\nWork  as  part  of  a  team.  \nAdvertise  products  and  activities  taking  place  \nSignpost  clients  in  need  of  support.  \nBe  involved  with  general  administration.  ',
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                    accessibilityAndTransport:  'Based  near  Bishop  Auckland  bus  station/Newgate  centre',
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                      'Cornerstone  Supported  Housing  and  Counselling  Ltd\nCharity  Shop\nFinkle  St\nBondgate\nBishop  Auckland\nDL14  7PL',
                      'We  are  looking  for  5  volunteers  to  support  our  charity  shop  Mon-Fri  between  9.30-2.30pm.    \nOur  volunteers  are  integral  to  the  work  we  do.  Their  contribution  is  priceless.  Come  and  join  our  dedicated  team  and  help  make  a  positive  difference  to  vulnerable  members  of  your  community.\n',
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                    address:  '12  Brockwell  Court,  Willington,  Crook,  United  Kingdom',
                    hours:  '9.30am-2.30pm  Mon-Fri  (min  4  hours  per  week)',
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                      'Move  showroom  stock\nCollect/deliver  donated  items\nAssist  with  any  general  maintenance  jobs',
                      'Drivers  licence\nHeavy  lifting  involved\nReliable,  flexible\nSkilled  in  maintenance  work',
                    accessibilityAndTransport:  'Based  near  Bishop  Auckland  bus  station/Newgate  Centre',
                      'Full  training  provided\nTravel  expenses  paid  within  reason\nAccess  to  charity  van  whilst  volunteering',
                      'Cornerstone  Supported  Housing  and  Counselling  Ltd\nBondgate\nFinkle  St\nBishop  Auckland\nDL14  7PL\n',
                      'Our  volunteers  are  an  integral  part  of  the  our  charity.    Their  contribution  is  priceless..    \nShare  your  skills  and  help  the  rough  sleepers  and  homeless  in  your  community.  Join  our  amazing  charity  and  dedicated  team\n.  ',
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                      'Cornerstone  Supported  Housing  and  Counselling  Ltd  Maintenance  Person',
                      'DIY  and  maintenance  of  our  supported  accommodation  for  our  service  users.\nMaintenance  at  our  charity  shop  in  Bishop  Auckland',
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                    address:  '12  Brockwell  Court,  Willington,  Crook,  United  Kingdom',
                    hours:  'Anytime  between  9-4pm  Mon-Fri  (minimum  4hrs/week)',
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                      'Supporting  the  Housing  team  to  maintain  properties  in  Crook,  Willington  and  Bishop  Auckland.\nGeneral  DIY  and  maintenance  eg  decorating,  plumbing,  painting',
                    skillsExperienceAndQualitiesNeeded:  'DIY  skills,  reliable,  good  standard  of  work,  car  owner',
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                      'Our  volunteers  are  an  integral  part  of  our  charity  and  their  contribution  is  priceless.    Join  our  amazing  team  and  help  make  a  positive  contribution  to  the  homeless  in  our  community\n\n',
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                      'Make  a  difference  to  the  vulnerable  in  your  community\nSupport  and  reviews\nUpskilling\nMeet  like  minded  people\n',
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