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name: 'Bridge Centre for Visual Arts',
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'The Bridge Centre for Visual Arts is a registered charity that provides local access to wet studio space, pottery kilns, a printing press, painting and digital media equipment and the expertise of a creative community of professional artists. Based in Darlington, the organisation grew out of a voluntary group of arts professionals who came together following the closure of Darlington Arts Centre. The Bridge has been running for 6 years and has established a successful open access programme of arts courses. The Bridge has been running for 6 years and has established a successful open access programme of workshops and events, designed to improve mental and physical health and well being, helping alleviate isolation for example, in the local community, as well providing a base for the visual arts in the Darlington area. It also currently accommodates the Darlington Borough Council’s Community Arts Project for clients with learning disabilities. At the moment the Bridge is run by a group of volunteers, all of whom are committed and hardworking, but we need more!',
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