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{ _id: '1777',
name: 'Bishop Line Community Rail Partnership',
email: '',
type: 'Public Sector',
telephone: '07917040680',
contactPerson: 'Felicity Machnicki',
website: '',
'The Bishop Line is the railway line which runs between Bishop Auckland and Darlington. The Bishop Line Community Rail Partnership aims to represent the communities which the Bishop Line serves and works to provide a rail service which truly meets our communities’ needs. \n\nConnecting the communities along the Bishop Line is what we’re all about.\nTo do this we work in several ways.\n\nWorking with partners we deliver projects in the community, great examples of our recent projects are Shildon Smart Art and Storylines.\nWe work within local schools and with partners to deliver rail skills and safety training.\nWe encourage members of the public to ‘adopt your station’ and help bring life back into your station.\nWe work with the train operating company Northern to provide a rail service which truly meets our communities’ needs and we need to hear the views of our community to help do that. \n\nThe partnership is supported by a steering group who help guide our work by prioritising projects according to local needs, enabling progress on projects by connecting people and ensuring that the work we deliver strives to achieve the pillars of the DfT community rail strategy. Our steering group is composed of the two local authorities – Darlington Borough Council and Durham County Council, all of the train operating companies which our local residents can access – Northern, LNER, Cross Country, and TransPennine Express along with Network Rail and the Community Rail Network.\n\nThe Bishop Line Community Rail Partnership has been successfully accredited by the Department for Transport every year since the introduction of the accreditation scheme in 2019. Accreditation is formal recognition by the DfT that a CRP operates to a high standard and that its objectives and activities are supported by Government. It is in place to provide assurance to others, including potential funders and partners, that the Bishop Line CRP operates to high standards of governance and financial propriety; adopts a collaborative approach; is worthy of trust by others; and is a suitable entity for receiving public funds. Further Government considers it a good representative of the local community.',
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[ { _id: '1658',
'Volunteer Chairperson for the Bishop Line Community Rail Partnership',
'Bishop Line Community Rail Partnership is looking to recruit an interim volunteer chairperson who has the enthusiasm and drive to support the CRP through a task and finish review of the partnership’s governance until 31st March 2025. ',
created: 2024-11-06T11:39:53.445Z,
orgId: '1777',
[ { _id: '1814ac6c-5538-48e4-b7d2-daa59dbcde46',
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{ _id: '1c75da68-c671-4d4f-81fc-c1a401f0d08c', name: 'Shildon' },
{ _id: 'db2bec43-c298-4e80-bbeb-a5a51450975d',
name: 'Newton Aycliffe' },
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active: true,
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under18: false,
contactPerson: 'Felicity Machnicki',
contactEmail: '',
contactTelephone: '07917040680',
address: 'Town Hall, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QT',
hours: 'Approx 8 hours per month',
'We are seeking an individual who brings strong experience of governance to work with the partnership’s steering group and offer support and direction to the partnership officer to review and update key partnership documents and processes. The individual should be able to effectively set the agenda and chair steering group meetings and be able to work with all partners to ensure the continued success of the CRP.',
'1. Characteristics required for the task and finish review of the partnership’s governance:\n\nProven strong experience of governance.\nProven leadership skills and a willingness to lead this partnership.\nProven Collaborative working/Team building.\nEnthusiasm/drive.\n\n2. Additional characteristics beneficial to chair the CRP:\n\nCommitment to attend and give full attention to meetings and matters of partnership business.\nAdvantageous to have experience of the rail industry, community development or sustainable travel.\nGood communication and interpersonal skills.\nImpartiality, fairness, and the ability to respect confidences.\nAbility to ensure decisions are taken and then actions followed-up.\n\n3. Requirements to ensure the partnership functions properly:\n\nMeet with the CRP Officer on a monthly basis to check progress on each element of the action plan, to provide any support needed to overcome any challenges.\nEnsure meeting matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner, actions are taken, carefully considered decisions are made and to arrange for accurate minutes to be recorded.\nBring impartiality and objectivity to meetings.\nFacilitate change and address conflict within the steering group.\nReview governance performance and skills.\nEnsure the steering group has representation from all partners and communities covered\n\n4. Requirements to ensure the steering group is managed effectively:\n\nCoordinate with the CRP Officer and secretary quarterly regarding steering group meeting agendas and ensure meetings are run in accordance with the Constitution.\nEnsure financial reports, progress reports and metrics are circulated to steering group members at least 7 days before the quarterly steering group meetings by the CRP Officer/Secretary\nEnsure the CRP is meeting its contractual obligations with funding partners and vice versa\nEnsure the CRP Code of Conduct is always being adhered to\n\n5. Requirements to represent the organisation:\n\nAct as an ambassador and effectively communicate the vision and purpose of the community rail partnership to external partners in the rail industry, public sector bodies and the media at external meetings and events.\nBe aware of current issues in rail and local communities that might affect the organisation.',
'The Interim Voluntary Chair will have access to complimentary travel on Northern Train services for travel to partnership meetings. ',
'There will be the opportunity to attend additional events such as the Community Rail Network (CRN) awards, CRN chair meetings and industry conferences/webinars and training can be made available through CRN.',
'The role of interim voluntary chair requires an estimated average commitment of 8 hours/month. These hours will be Monday – Friday during the working day, however there may be a few occasions where events are in the evening or at weekends. Steering Group meetings usually take place at either Locomotion at Shildon or The Dolphin Centre in Darlington, or online. Meetings with the officer can take place at a suitable location between Bishop Auckland and Darlington.',
'If you are interested in this voluntary role and feel you can demonstrate you have the characteristics below and proven experience required, please email . Please include a statement of interest highlighting your suitability for this role and how you would approach the interim role’s governance review. If you would like an informal chat about the role with a partnership member please also email and we can put you in touch with a representative.',
startDate: 2024-11-05T11:39:53.445Z,
endDate: 2024-11-15T11:39:53.445Z,
lastModified: 2024-11-06T11:51:10.000Z,
'The Interim Voluntary Chair will have access to complimentary travel on Northern Train services for travel to partnership meetings. ',
'volunteer-chairperson-for-the-bishop-line-community-rail-partnership-1658' },
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