

Our Trustee’s play a vital role in making sure that Blind Life in Durham achieves its core purpose. They oversee the overall management and administration of the charity. They also ensure that Blind Life in Durham has a clear strategy and that our work and goals are in line with our vision. Just as importantly, they support their employees to enable Blind Life in Durham to grow and thrive.

Trustees have a collective responsibility. This means that Trustees always act as a group and not as individuals. All Trustees must follow Companies House, and the Charity Commission rules and regulations.


All Trustees must keep in mind the following points:

• Ensure Blind Life is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit.
• Comply with the law and Blind Life in Durham’s governing documents which are the memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
• Act in Blind Life in Durham’s best interests.
• Manage Blind Life in Durham’s resources responsibly.
• Act with reasonable care and skill.
• Ensure Blind Life in Durham is accountable.
• Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.
• Contribute to regular reviews of Blind Life in Durham’s own governance. attend board meetings, adequately prepared to contribute to discussions.
• Contribute to the broader promotion of Blind Life in Durham’s objects, aims and reputation by applying your skills, expertise, knowledge and contacts.
• Abide by the fundamental values that underpin all the activity of the charity.
• Ensure that everything Blind Life in Durham does will be able to stand the test of scrutiny by the public, media, charity regulators, members, stakeholders, funders, parliament and the courts.

As a small charity, there will be times when the Trustees will need to be actively involved beyond board meetings. This may involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, presenting externally, or other issues in which the Trustees have special expertise.

Skills & Qualities

We are looking for people willing to bring energy, enthusiasm and commitment to the role, and who will broaden the diversity of thinking on our board.

You do not need any previous governance experience, but an ability to learn is desirable – we will provide an induction and any training where necessary.
• Willingness and ability to understand and accept their responsibilities and liabilities as Trustees and to act in the best interests of the organisation.
• Ability to think creatively, exercise good, independent judgement and work effectively as a board member.
• Effective communication skills and willingness to participate actively in discussion.
• A strong personal commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
• Enthusiasm for our goals.
• Willingness to add to the qualities and skills currently demonstrated by current Trustees.

When & Where?

8 Brookside
DL15 8LB

Training and Support Offered/Expenses

The basic training you will receive covers:
Blind Life Induction
Blind Life Volunteer Handbook with all the volunteer policies
Blind Awareness Training
First Aid
Basic Health & Safety
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

It may be possible to equip you with a computer/laptop for Blind Life in Durham use if necessary.

Volunteer Benefits

Blind Life in Durham could not operate without our volunteers. Our volunteers allow us to provide social and sporting events to people with sight loss and severe sight loss.

As well as being a charity, Blind Life in Durham is also registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee and therefore our trustees are also directors. The members of the charity also may have other conditions in addition to their sight loss and the board take these into consideration as well.

The charity has been running since 2004 and have around 20 volunteers whose input is vital. You would be joining the team as a volunteer who would provide a vital service to our members at a variety of events throughout each month.

You will also be welcome to participate in any of the events, if you choose to and opportunities for presenting new idea’s which will benefit members and volunteers alike.

Other Information

People with disabilities are most welcome to apply.
Attendance at meetings can be virtual, or over the telephone if you are unable to travel.

Blind Life in Durham Logo
Blind Life in Durham More information
Type: Trusteeship/Committee
Recognition of Quality Volunteer Experience

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